Saturday, May 18, 2019

Stopping Procratination

          I am not sure if everyone procrastinates for the same reasons as I do. But I procrastinate for two reasons. One, I am a perfectionist. Two, I let myself be overwhelmed. I have spent the last few weeks trying my best to create a schedule for me and my son. I am attempting to stop my procrastination with a few techniques. So hopefully some of these can help you be more productive!
          I often procrastinate because I think that something has to be done perfectly. If I can't do it perfectly, then I leave it in a pile or scattered everywhere! If you insist on doing things perfectly, you never get anything done! I've had to make my peace with doing things "good enough." The crazy part is, once I do it "good enough," I usually love it! It is usually pretty close to perfect anyway! I feel really proud of what I have accomplished!
          I also very often procrastinate because I exaggerate in my mind how long it will take to do a task. I literally build tasks up so big in my mind that I feel depressed or panicked thinking of doing them. But when I put on my big girl panties and do them, they usually aren't a big deal! I am genuinely surprised at how fast I can get them done!
          I am attempting to stop my procrastination by a few different means. One, I am scheduling my tasks in my planner. I am using a Classic size Happy Planner and a mini one for on the go. When I am out and about I pen things into my mini one. It isn't about looking pretty. It is just about getting the information down somewhere. If I put things in my phone calendar I lose them. I know I can set alarms and reminders. I hate them and I always forget. Or I set them for the time of the appointment not before to remind me. Plus I like seeing everything in the month or the week. The phone shows dots on the monthly that don't tell me much. I guess I am just a paper, old school, gal! Planning in my classic at home is peaceful and calming. It is pretty and functional and makes me happy. Plus I take pics and share them on Instagram. I hashtag them and share with other Happy Planners. Sometimes I look at other people's planners for inspiration. All that beauty just fills my heart! But scheduling tasks has helped me be more productive and consistent. That progress actually motivates me to keep doing it!
          Two, I am scheduling reminders during the day in Alexa. She reminds me to take my vitamins, to do things with my son, and to do all my social media stuff. It is easy for me to get so engrossed in a task that I lose track of the time. But Alexa keeps me on track!
          Three, I am timing how long it takes to do tasks I do on a regular basis so I can accurately schedule them. If I know that a load of laundry on speed wash is a 20 minute cycle, I can actually schedule when to put it in and when to change it to the dryer. I will have no delusions about how much I can get done in a day! Plus, I won't feel overwhelmed by a load of dishes if I know I can do them all in 15 minutes!
          Four, I am repeating a saying to myself. "How fast can you get it done? There was a mess, but now there is none. You did what needed to be done. Now go have some fun!" It is just a little reminder that things don't take as long as I often think they will to do. But it is also a reminder that after I do the tasks I can enjoy the best parts of life without the guilt of procrastination hanging over me!

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